Building Trails, Building Futures in Central Oregon

Hello from all of us at BlackSage Dirt Works! We're buzzing with excitement to share a bit of our world with you. In the heart of Bend, Oregon, we're not just shaping dirt; we're shaping futures. Our latest labor of love? Sprucing up "The Lair" and, more importantly, investing in the next generation of riders and trail builders right here in Central Oregon.

Passing the Torch with Kyle Jameson

Kyle Jameson, our fearless leader and a name many in the mountain biking scene revere, is at the forefront of this mission. For us, Kyle embodies more than just trail building expertise; he's a mentor, guiding young enthusiasts and sharing the craft that's shaped his life. With "The Lair" project, we're bringing this ethos to life, offering hands-on experiences and learning opportunities for local youth.

Keen to know more about this project? Dive into the details in this Pinkbike article.

"The Lair" Project: A Story of Community and Growth

Take a moment to watch our journey at "The Lair". This video put together by Schwalbe Tires and Pinkbike captures the essence of our work: community engagement, skill-sharing, and the joy of trail building. See for yourself how we're nurturing the next generation of trail builders and riders in Central Oregon.

The Lair: A Training Ground for Tomorrow's Trailblazers

At "The Lair," a beloved network of mountain bike and jump tracks, our goal has been twofold: rejuvenate a classic spot and turn it into a training ground for aspiring trail builders. We believe that by involving the younger generation in our projects, we're not just maintaining trails; we're fostering a sustainable, thriving biking community.

Props to COTA: Big thanks to the Central Oregon Trail Alliance (COTA) for their unwavering support. They're integral in nurturing a community that values outdoor recreation and conservation.

Your Questions, Our Answers

Q: What's the driving force behind BlackSage Dirt Works?

A: At the core, it's our love for mountain biking and our commitment to nurturing the next wave of riders and builders in our community.

Q: Can I get my kids involved in trail building?

A: Absolutely! We encourage young enthusiasts to learn and participate. Keep an eye on our community events for opportunities.

Q: Does BlackSage take on projects outside of Bend?

A: We sure do! We're all about spreading our passion for trail building, whether in Central Oregon or beyond.

Join Us on the Trail

Thinking of a trail project, or want to get your kids involved in an exciting and rewarding outdoor activity? Reach out to BlackSage Dirt Works for your trail building and excavation needs and visit COTA’s website to get involved in community projects like this. Let's create trails that not only thrill but also educate and inspire the next generation.


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